Knights Power Skating Camp

Mondays (June 9, 16, 23 & July 7, 14, 28)

The Knights Power Skating Camp led by Mark Bassen will be open to 07 – 2015 Birthyears (two groups Bantam/High School & Squirt/Pee Wee)

  • 6-Mondays during the summer (June 9, 16, 23 & July 7, 14, 28)
  • Edge Work, Crossovers, Transitions, and Overspeed Training
  • Chapels
  • Small group devotionals and discipleship

Schedule: 3-4PM Bantam/HS Skate, 4-4:30 PM Chapel (in locker room both groups), 4:30-5:30PM Squirt/PW Skate


Registration Link: