NorthStar Knights Housing Program
The Northstar Christian Academy’s billet program is designed to create a host family experience that positively impacts Northstar Christian Academy players as they seek to grow as Christian men and hockey players.
The program seeks to provide safe living environments where athletes can thrive and develop in all spheres of life. Players will be expected to treat families with the utmost integrity and respect, honor house rules, and take excellent care of all accommodations.
Housing Family Benefits
- A great opportunity to build a life-long relationship and help young people grow in their faith and reach their dreams.
- A monthly housing stipend to help offset food costs will be provided to the family on a monthly basis.
- A wonderful way to get involved in the Knights program!
Housing Family Reviews
“We were initially apprehensive regarding billeting. Now we are well into our second year and definitely have been blessed by the boys’ kindness and great character both years. We have enjoyed being able to get a closeup view of God working through the kids and through Northstar in general! It is an organization of excellence.” – Scott and Rhonda Berger
“We have been blessed to share our home with Northstar players. We weren’t sure if it would feel like strangers living in our house, but in just a short while, they became part of our family. Northstar has done an incredible job of coaching these young men in hockey and in life lessons. Our players have been very kind and respectful. We have enjoyed being a Northstar billet family!” – Brian and Nicole Klimek
“Mike and I are gearing up to welcome another group of young men to be a part of our family. I have sat down to write a testimonial of why we billet multiple times over the course of our journey, but I could never put into adequate words thus far. Billet, when used as a verb, is defined as providing lodging for someone in a particular place. The term, by my research, applied to soldiers going to battle with the village they were near being ordered to house them during their fight.
Much like the term and its origin, the reason we billet is to walk along side these young men, as they become Warriors for Christ, and battle the in and outs of being a young adult on their own. Billeting has expanded our family beyond what we could ever imagine. We have developed second children in our hearts. We have watched some of the most amazing boys grow into young men emotionally and physically as they venture out into the world. AND we have had a lot of fun along the way.
I know there are a lot of questions in the community about Northstar and its future. It is easy to make assumptions, read things, and hear rumors, but when it comes down to it, we are here to walk alongside some incredible youth on their journey to adulthood. One of my foundations is getting proximate. In order to truly understand a culture, a person, a village, a church, a family, a Religion, a School, you have to get proximate to those institutions. We have spent countless hours with the young men of Northstar Christian Academy, and we will continue to support the young adults that have infused into our hearts by offering a Minnesota home to always call their own.” – Mike and Ashley Steen
NCA Knights Billet Program
If you are interested in becoming a housing family and would like to know more, please fill out the interest form below and we will contact you with additional information.